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Home Care Package Level 3

A guide to Level 3 Home Care Packages

Understanding the options for home care services can be overwhelming, especially with the various levels of Home Care Package available. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Level 3 Home Care Package, detailing its services, eligibility criteria, costs, and the application process. Understanding these elements can help you or your loved one make informed decisions about accessing appropriate support.

What is a Level 3 Home Care Package?

A Level 3 Home Care Package is assigned to senior Australians living with intermediate care needs. Typically, they require visits on most days of the week, as those on this package need frequent assistance with many day-to-day tasks to remain healthy and independent. A standard Level 3 Home Care Package provides around 24 hours of assistance every two weeks, depending on what your provider charges.

What services are included in a Level 3 Home Care Package?

Those on a Level 3 Home Care Package tend to receive assistance with social, physical, and medical tasks and may also have psychological care needs. Those on a Level 3 package often receive care in the form of:

  • Personal care assistance: Help with bathing, dressing, and grooming
  • Household assistance: Keeping your home clean and tidy
  • Meal preparation and nutrition support: Ensuring you have healthy meals
  • Help with shopping: Assistance with groceries and other shopping needs
  • Transport to appointments and activities: Getting you to medical appointments and social events
  • Social activities and companionship: Promoting social engagement and preventing isolation
  • Garden maintenance: Taking care of your garden
  • Nursing services: Including wound care and medication management
  • Independent living aids and assistive technology: Enhancing mobility and safety
  • Home modifications: Such as installing safety rails in your home
  • Allied health services: Including podiatry, physiotherapy, and speech therapy
  • Specialised support: Such as hearing and vision services, dementia care, and cognitive support
  • Support with managing memory and behavioural changes

You can check if you can receive services using  My Aged Care’s eligibility check, or apply for an assessment online if you are ready.

Who is eligible for a Level 3 Home Care Package?

Eligibility for a Level 3 Home Care Package is determined through an assessment process known as the Single Assessment System. As of July 2024, the Single Assessment Systems replaced the Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACATs) in an effort to provide care recipients with a more streamlined, consistent, and flexible assessment process. Details regarding the new Single Assessment System can be found at this site.

The Single Assessment System evaluates the individual’s care needs and determines their suitability for different levels of Home Care Package. Generally, the following criteria must be met:

  • Age: Typically, available to those aged 65 and over or 50 and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
  • Care needs: Individuals with low-level care needs may need to be visited three to four times a week.
  • Living situation: Preferably living at home and needing assistance to continue living independently.

You can check if you can receive services using My Aged Care’s eligibility check or apply for an assessment online if you are ready.

Are there costs associated with a Level 3 Home Care Package?

 A Level 3 Home Care Package is divided into two main components:

Government contribution: The federal government provides a subsidy to cover the care costs. The subsidy for a Level 3 package is currently set at around $1,554.56 a fortnight.

Individual contribution: Depending on your financial situation, you may be asked to contribute towards the cost of your care. This contribution can include:

    • Basic daily fee: This is a small fee that everyone receiving a Home Care Package may be asked to pay, currently capped at $111.04 per day. Trilogy Care DO NOT charge a basic daily fee.
    • Income-tested fees: Home Care Packages are means tested by Services Australia. Depending on your income, you may need to make an additional contribution. Full pensioners and people with an income less than $32,332 per year do not pay an income tested fee.

You can find a detailed breakdown of all the costs and fees associated with the Home Care Package here.

How to apply for a Level 3 Home Care Package

Applying for a Level 3 Home Care Package involves contacting My Aged Care online or by phone. If you meet the minimum eligibility requirements, a member of the Single Assessment System workforce will visit your home for a free assessment. If eligible, you’ll receive an approval letter specifying your care level.

For more details, see our 5 steps to apply for a Home Care Package.

Choosing the right provider

After receiving approval for a Home Care Package, it’s essential to find an approved provider to ensure you get the best care possible. Use My Aged Care’s ‘Find a Provider’ tool to identify local providers that meet the standards set by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

Here are some important factors to consider when selecting a provider:

  • Service Area: Does the provider offer services in your location?
  • Service Types: Do they provide the specific services you need?
  • Availability: Do they have availability to take you on as a client?
  • Personal Alignment: Do they respect and cater to any cultural or faith-based needs that are important to you?

Choosing a provider is a personal decision, and while recommendations can be valuable, it’s crucial to find the right match for your needs. Consider how involved you want to be in managing your care. Providers may offer fully managed, shared managed, or self-managed services, each affecting your budget, flexibility, and control differently. Not all providers offer both self-managed and fully managed options, so decide on your preferred level of involvement before making your choice.

For more details, see our How to choose a Home Care Package provider.

At Trilogy Care, we are completely transparent in our pricing. Our services are charged at a flat percentage – we do not hide behind any hidden fees or surcharges. We offer 15% of your Home Care Package for our Self-Managed tier or 26% of your Home Care Package for Self-Managed PLUS tier. 

This lower fee structure means more of your funds go directly towards your care rather than administrative costs. We can offer a more efficient use of your Home Care Package funds if you’re looking to switch providers or need a new provider.

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Please contact Trilogy Care on 1300 459 190 for any further information.

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