Preparing for when your Home Care Package starts
Congratulations - you've been allocated a home care package! Follow these steps to quickly make the most out of your new package funds.
Congratulations - you've been allocated a home care package! Follow these steps to quickly make the most out of your new package funds.
If you self-manage your home care package, you can use online carer marketplaces like Mable to find care workers available in your area.
You have many avenues available if you wish to make an aged care complaint. This guide covers all your options and where to get help.
There are 8 Aged Care Quality Standards which safeguard consumers. Aged Care Quality has an excellent poster to show these standards.
Know your aged care rights! Consumers have a right to be treated with dignity and respect, and have a right to safe and high-quality care.
There are a range of different costs, fees, and factors that you should compare when choosing your home care package provider - here's what to look for.
As an aged care consumer, you have a right to be treated with dignity and respect. Read more to learn your rights and responsibilities.
A home care package can help you be more healthy, happy, and independent, but only if you know how your home care package funds can be used.
Switching home care package providers can be a stressful experience, but it doesn't have to be! Follow these 5 steps for a seamless switch.
Wondering when you will get your home care package? Our guide on the National Priority System will help!