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A woman helps an elderly lady review a document at home, highlighting home care planning.

What is a care plan?

Understanding Care Plans

Upon committing to a self-managed Home Care Package (HCP) provider, such as Trilogy Care. You will be required to attend a Care Plan Meeting, which will assess your lifestyle, care needs, goals, and the services you would like to receive from the Home Care Package Program.  

Care Plans are a necessary and important part of receiving a Home Care Package. The Care Plan meeting is to assess your needs and goals so that you are able to receive services under the Home Care Package program. It also ensures what is included/wanted is acceptable under the Home Care Package guidelines and aligns with the program.  

For example, you may say your goal is to stay healthy and therefore need your medication paid for – this does not align with the scope of the program and therefore cannot be included in your services. Learn more about Home Care Packages Inclusions & Exclusions. 

Care Plans

Care Plans begin with a range of comprehensive assessments that assist in building a clear picture of each consumer as an individual. By completing the assessments, your care needs will be matched with suitable services. Your assessments, goals, care plan and budget are all inter-connected, and they guide the way your package funds are allocated every month.

1.Home Care Package providers are to provide care recipients a written Care Plan before home care services begin, or within 14 days of their Trilogy commencement date. 

2. As your provider, we work in partnership with you to develop and agree on the care plan goals and actions, so that you are satisfied with the care you are receiving. 

3. Your ACAT assessment and Provider care assessments are the joint foundations for your care plan development. It does not matter how long ago your ACAT assessment occurred – this assessment is how you were approved for the HCP program. 

4. Your goals, needs and preferences should be reflected in your care plan – and because everyone is different, it is individually tailored to your specific needs. 

5. Trilogy Care evaluates Care Plans for new consumers as required and when changes need to be made. Additionally, a formal annual review happens every year to assess changes in care needs. Check-in calls are completed quarterly to ensure oversight of care and services. 

6. Your package level and budget is matched to your care needs and is meant to be fully utilised to meet those assessed needs. Unless you need to accumulate funds for something specific, there is usually no need to save funds. 

7. Your plan should include your goals, and the actions and services in place to help you meet those goals. 

8. It should include all the informal care and supports you receive to help you meet your goals, even if the package does not directly pay for them. Including the help your family, friends, and others provide you. 

9. Relevant parts of your plan should be shared with people who will be helping you to meet your goals, such as support workers, nurses, or other relevant parties. 

10. When new supports or services are recommended for you, so you are remaining healthy, Trilogy Care is flexible in changing and updating the document. All package spending is aligned with the care plan. 

What you can do

You can keep your care plan up-to-date by ensuring your support workers, care managers, family and friends are aware of any changes, and by participating in the necessary updates when new services and supports are recommended or required.  

Keeping in contact with Trilogy Care by speaking with your care manager to discuss your care plan, goals, and to make sure your package budget is being fully utilised to meet your assessed care needs. 

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Contact Trilogy Care

Please contact Trilogy Care on 1300 459 190 for any further information.

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