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what community services are available

What community services are available to older Australians?

There are many community services available for older Australians. These are typically free and allow you to engage with government and community-run programs to enhance your lifestyle and wellbeing. For those on a Home Care Package, community services may assist with items and tasks that are not covered by the package funding.

What are community services?

Community services come in many forms, often as group activities run by volunteers or people passionate about supporting aged care. These groups might meet once a week for coffee, a walk, or just a chat. While the activities may be simple, they offer valuable opportunities for social interaction with people of a similar age.

One great example is the Rockhampton 60 and Better Program, where the group meets on the first Wednesday of each month for coffee and on the second Monday for lunch. These meet-ups provide older people with the chance to connect and have meaningful conversations.

Regular social interaction like this can play a vital role in preventing feelings of isolation and loneliness, which is particularly important for older people.

Who provides community services?

Community services can be delivered by individuals or organisations that want to provide their time and effort to improve the wellbeing of others. Local governments may also provide community services based on their location.

Government services

Local governments offer a range of community services that help older Australians access programs to enhance their quality of life. These services may include:

  • Immunisation clinics – Councils often offer free vaccinations, particularly to those who are vulnerable
  • Cab services – Councils offer cab services to people who find it challenging to complete essential tasks, such as grocery shopping or accessing medical appointments. If you live in Brisbane for example, you can check if you are eligible for this service here
  • Events and activities – Councils often run programs such as classes, social outings, or even award nights for older residents
  • Pension concessions – Certain councils offer discounted rates for pensioners
  • Bin collection service – Councils can arrange in-home bin collection services if you’re unable to manage it yourself

Volunteer services

Many community services are provided by volunteers, often coordinated by organisations dedicated to providing care services. These services can include any assistance that older Australians require, including:

  • Gardening
  • Household maintenance
  • Social visits
  • Administration tasks
  • Running classes or courses
  • Helping in respite care
  • Assisting in residential aged care

How can I connect with community services?

Accessing community services varies depending on where you live. We recommend visiting your local council’s website to explore the services available. For instance, Brisbane City Council’s community support page lists all the services offered in their area.

Additionally, you can use sites such as My Community Directory or Our Community to find organisations that can provide you with services you need. You may also wish to read our article on the aged care volunteer scheme for more information.

If you would like to get involved with volunteering or providing community support, there are websites such as Seek Volunteer that can connect you to relevant services.

If you need more assistance, please contact us via our website, or call 1300 459 190.

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Contact Trilogy Care

Please contact Trilogy Care on 1300 459 190 for any further information.

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