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ageing in place, importance

The importance of ageing in place

As Australia’s population continues to age, it’s crucial that older people have the opportunity to age in place. This means staying in their own home while maintaining independence as they grow older. The concept has expanded to include those living in senior communities who wish to preserve their independence without moving into residential aged care.

Enabling ageing in place

For most older Australians, ageing in place provides significant benefits. It allows them to remain where they feel most comfortable, preserving their independence and sense of identity, even when facing age-related challenges.

In-home care programs, such as Home Care Packages, are designed to support ageing in place. These programs have become increasingly popular as more Australians choose to remain in their homes as they age.

What are the benefits of ageing in place?

It’s easy to see why ageing in place has gained popularity. There are several key advantages that are often unavailable in residential aged care, including:

  • Independence: Stay in your home and live life on your own terms
  • Social Connection: Ageing in place keeps you close to friends, family, and your local community
  • Wellbeing: Being at home provides comfort and control over your environment
  • Lifestyle: Continue enjoying your hobbies and interests within your home and community
  • Reducing Loneliness: Residential aged care can be isolating for some. Ageing in place helps combat feelings of loneliness
  • Home Care Package Assistance: Receive the care services you need, right in the comfort of your home

Are there downsides?

While ageing in place offers many benefits, it’s important to consider a few potential challenges:

  • Access to Assistance: If you live in a remote area or need specialised care, it might be difficult to find support
  • Cost of Modifications: Home modifications, such as installing wheelchair ramps, can be expensive
  • Safety Concerns: Everyday tasks can become risky as we age. Some home adjustments may be needed to ensure safety

Is ageing in place right for me?

Before deciding to age in place, it’s important to assess your home and identify any changes that may be required. For some, this could mean downsizing to a smaller home, while others may need modifications.

You should also consider how you’ll access support at home. Two main options are available: the Commonwealth Home Support Programme and Home Care Packages. Trilogy Care has developed guide explaining the difference between the two programs. Generally, we recommend Home Care Packages, as they offer greater control and flexibility over your care.

How can Trilogy Care help?

Trilogy Care is an approved provider of Home Care Packages, helping you access in-home care and giving you the power to manage your support independently. Our self-managed Home Care Packages enable you to maintain full control over your care, allowing you to age in place successfully.

If you’d like to learn more about self-managing your support, check out our article.

Home Care Packages, like those offered by Trilogy Care, allow you to receive the care you need in the comfort of your own home. These packages come in four levels, each tailored to suit your specific care needs.

Services you can access through a Home Care Package include:

  • Personal care, such as help with bathing, dressing, getting out of bed, and taking medication
  • Domestic assistance, including cleaning, gardening, and home maintenance
  • Meal preparation
  • Transport
  • Social support
  • Hire of care equipment
  • Nursing care
  • Allied health support
  • Assistance with managing memory and behavioural changes, including dementia
  • Advanced healthcare
  • Palliative care

If you’d like to hear more about how Trilogy Care can help you age in place, contact us on our website or call us on 1300 459 190.

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Please contact Trilogy Care on 1300 459 190 for any further information.

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