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National Pain Week

National Pain Week - Trilogy Care

National Pain Week is Australia’s annual initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the experiences of those living with chronic pain. Organised by Chronic Pain Australia, this event runs from Monday 22 to Sunday 28 July 2024, and seeks to reduce the barriers faced by individuals managing chronic pain. By fostering understanding, National Pain Week aims to improve support for those affected. 

For older Australians, managing pain can be particularly challenging due to the natural aging process and the increased likelihood of developing chronic conditions. Let’s explore the significance of National Pain Week and how it can make a difference.

National Pain Week 2024

This year’s theme, “Pain colours your world” and “painchanger”, emphasises how chronic pain impacts every aspect of life. It can create a cycle of physical discomfort, emotional distress, and social isolation, affecting how individuals perceive themselves and interact with others. National Pain Week encourages a broader awareness of these challenges, promoting empathy and support for those experiencing chronic pain.


By bringing attention to these issues, National Pain Week aims to increase public understanding and improve the quality of life for those living with chronic pain. This initiative is vital for building a more supportive and inclusive community.

Understanding chronic pain in older adults

Chronic pain is a persistent pain that lasts beyond the usual recovery period or occurs alongside a chronic health condition, such as arthritis, diabetes, or osteoporosis. In older adults, chronic pain is common and often underreported, making it a significant public health issue.

Factors contributing to chronic pain in older adults include:

  • Degenerative diseases: Conditions such as osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis become more prevalent with age, leading to chronic pain.
  • Neuropathic pain: Diseases like diabetes can cause nerve damage, resulting in chronic pain.
  • Musculoskeletal pain: Age-related changes in muscles, bones, and joints can lead to persistent pain.
  • Post-surgical pain: Older adults often undergo surgeries that may result in prolonged pain during recovery.

The impact of chronic pain on older adults

Chronic pain significantly affects the quality of life of older adults, influencing their physical, emotional, and social well being. Some of the impacts include:

  • Reduced mobility: Chronic pain can limit an individual’s ability to move freely, impacting independence.
  • Mental health issues: Persistent pain can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, and isolation.
  • Sleep disturbances: Pain often interferes with sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and exacerbating other health issues.
  • Increased healthcare needs: Chronic pain often requires ongoing medical attention, increasing the demand for healthcare services.

Supporting older adults during National Pain Week

Aged care providers play a crucial role in supporting older adults in managing chronic pain. During National Pain Week, it’s essential to focus on strategies and practices that can help alleviate pain and improve the quality of life for older individuals.

Here are some ways to provide effective support:

  1. Pain management programs: Implementing comprehensive pain management programs that include physical therapy, medication management, and alternative therapies such as acupuncture and massage can be beneficial.
  2. Education and awareness: Educating older adults and their families about chronic pain, its causes, and management options is crucial. This can include workshops, informational sessions, and distributing educational materials.
  3. Mental health support: Providing access to mental health services, including counselling and support groups, can help older adults cope with the emotional toll of chronic pain.
  4. Promoting physical activity: Encouraging regular, gentle physical activity can help manage pain and improve mobility. Activities such as swimming, yoga, and tai chi are excellent options.
  5. Personalised care plans: Developing individualised care plans that address each person’s unique pain management needs ensures more effective and targeted support.
  6. Advocacy and access to services: Advocating for better access to pain management services and supporting policies that address the needs of older adults living with chronic pain is essential.

National Pain Week serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing chronic pain. By raising awareness and promoting effective pain management strategies, we can enhance the quality of life for all Australians. Aged care providers in this endeavour, ensuring that older individuals receive the support and care they need to manage pain and live fulfilling lives.


As we observe National Pain Week, let’s commit to understanding, supporting, and advocating for older adults experiencing chronic pain, ensuring they are not just heard but also cared for with compassion and dedication.

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