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My Aged Care: nominating a representative

Anyone who receives aged care services, from the Government must be registered with My Aged Care. When it comes to communicating with the My Aged Care contact centre, there are some strict rules in place to protect your privacy and autonomy, so they can only discuss your situation with you personally, or with a person who has authority to speak on your behalf.

What Can A Representative Do?

  • Give information to My Aged Care, including talking to Assessors and service providers on your behalf.
  • Get information about your progress in My Aged Care.
  • Be the first point of contact (Primary Contact) for My Aged Care.
  • Make decisions about aged care assessment and referrals for services.
  • Receive email notifications and correspondence from My Aged Care.

When should I get a representative?

If you require help contacting your Home Care Provider or My Aged Care about your care services, a representative can assist you navigate the system. They are not required to be your partner or family. It can be a friend or carer. When choosing someone to represent you, trust is a key factor, as they can access your personal information.

Types of Representatives


You can consent to allowing someone to speak and act for you. Nominating them as a primary contact so My Aged Care will call them directly when required. You need to speak directly with My Aged Care to set this up, and you can change or cancel this at any time.


When a person cannot consent to appointing their own representative, there needs to be documented evidence that someone else is legally appointed to speak to My Aged Care on their behalf. There will need to be proof that someone else can legally represent you, such as Guardianship, though the types of documents vary from State to State.

Can I become a representative?

You can! There are a few options when setting yourself up as a representative, depending on the older person’s situation.

Regular Representative

They’re not registered with My Aged Care

Apply for an assessment online: This assessment must be completed before anyone can access government-subsidised aged care services. 

Call My Aged Care: 1800 200 422 with the person you are going to represent to set yourself up.

They’re registered with My Aged Care

Use My Aged Care Online Account: You can be set up as their representative in the relationships section.

Call My Aged Care: Together you can call and set yourself up.

Speak to the assessor: You can be established as a representative during the assessment by the assessor, if you are present.

Authorised Representative

Complete and submit the Appointment of a Representative form.

For information about nominating a representative, you can call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or visit their website.

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Contact Trilogy Care

Please contact Trilogy Care on 1300 459 190 for any further information.

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