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Self managed

Mollie's self-managed journey

Mollie started receiving care services in early March, and chose Trilogy Care as her provider to assist her self-manage her Home Care Package funds. Mollie was kind enough to share her story.

This is Mollie and her carer Jessie who is assisting Mollie create a little garden project outside her bedroom.

This is an important and valued project for Mollie as she requires an oxygen concentrator, and is in isolation.

The project is designed so Mollie can participate in its ongoing creation.

What was life like before you started receiving care services?

Extremely difficult in not being competent in doing everyday tasks such as cleaning, laundering etc.

It was also very lonely as all of a sudden because of my illness I had become isolated within my home. Prior to HCP I was receiving CHSP for 3 hours a week.

I was unable to choose support workers and it was very frustrating having different workers on almost a weekly basis.

What care services did you require before starting care?

Most services as I was on 24/7 home oxygen.

Most important of all was my meals as because of the oxygen I was unable to cook anything.

This was a very emotional and mentally trying time in my life. Adjusting to being tethered to a machine.

Why did you choose Trilogy Care over other providers?

I was actually on the verge of signing with another provider but that provider was taking their time in answering some questions I had so while waiting I put up another google search and came across Trilogy Care.

I watched James Whitelaw’s video about his in-laws and how and why he founded Trilogy Care and was so impressed I contacted Trilogy Care and finally made the decision to do self-management with them.

Their honesty is what surprised me the most about Trilogy Care.

What has benefited you the most since starting self-managed care?

The ability to self-manage my needs and wants is so empowering.

My self confidence has been restored, I am able to select my own
carers and support workers and this is very important to one’s wellbeing.

What would you tell someone who is considering our services?

I would be very happy to inform anyone considering Trilogy Care as a provider that their needs and wants would be taken care of and that they would be getting excellent value for their money.

My experience with Trilogy Care has been empowering.

By self-managing your Home Care Package, you can feel empowered like Mollie, spend less on management fees, so you can focus on the things that matter... better-long-term-care and services. Continuing to live, healthy, independent, and supported lives.

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Contact Trilogy Care

Please contact Trilogy Care on 1300 459 190 for any further information.

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