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Elderly man smiling while swimming, wearing swim goggles. Background includes icons representing health and fitness, such as a heart, apple, and dumbbell.(International Men’s Health Week)

International Men’s Health Week

This year, International Men’s Health Week is celebrating its 30th anniversary, taking place from 10 June to 16 June. This milestone is a perfect reminder of the importance of men’s health and wellbeing, particularly for our senior men. Ageing is a natural part of life, but maintaining health and vitality as we grow older requires a proactive approach. Regular health checks can significantly enhance your quality of life and even add years to it.

This International Men’s Health Week, encourage your fathers, brothers, partners, friends, and even yourself to take control of your wellbeing and to make a commitment to prioritise your health.

Why health checks are important

As we age, our bodies go through various changes, making regular health checks more crucial than ever. Early detection of potential health issues can lead to more effective treatment and better outcomes. International Men’s Health Week shines a spotlight on the importance of men’s health checks, encouraging men to stay on top of their health.

Regular health checks are not just about addressing existing problems but also about preventive care. They provide an opportunity to catch any potential health issues before they become serious. For older men, these checks are especially important as the risk of conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer increases with age. By staying proactive, you can manage your health more effectively and enjoy a higher quality of life.

Essential health checks for older men

Here are some essential health checks that men should consider as they get older:

Blood pressure check: High blood pressure is a hidden health risk, often showing no symptoms until significant damage has occurred. Regular monitoring can help manage and prevent complications such as heart disease and stroke.

Cholesterol levels: High cholesterol can lead to heart disease and other cardiovascular problems. Regular checks can help manage cholesterol levels through diet, exercise, and medication if necessary.

Prostate health: Prostate issues, including prostate cancer, become more common as men age. Regular PSA tests and digital rectal exams (DRE) can help detect pros

Diabetes screening: Type 2 diabetes is prevalent among older adults. Regular blood glucose tests can help catch diabetes early, making it easier to manage and reduce the risk of complications.

Bowel cancer screening: Australia offers a National Bowel Cancer Screening Program for people aged 50 to 74. Regular screening can detect bowel cancer early, when it is most treatable.

Bone density test: Osteoporosis doesn’t just effect women. Men can also suffer from bone loss, leading to fractures and other issues. A bone density test can help assess risk and guide preventive measures.

Eye and hearing tests: Regular eye exams can detect conditions like glaucoma and cataracts, while hearing tests can help manage hearing loss, improving overall quality of life.

Let’s not forget about mental health

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Mental wellbeing can significantly impact overall quality of life, influencing how we think, feel, and act. Good mental health enables individuals to handle stress, build strong relationships, and make meaningful contributions to their communities. Conversely, neglecting mental health can lead to severe consequences, including depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges, which can affect physical health and overall wellbeing. By prioritising mental health alongside physical health, we can create a more positive approach to wellbeing, encouraging men to seek support, engage in open conversations, and practice self-care. This balanced focus ensures that men can lead healthier, happier lives, equipped to face life’s challenges with resilience and strength.

Creating supportive communities

Creating supportive communities is vital for enhancing men’s health, especially for older men. Family and friends play a crucial role in this effort by providing emotional support, encouraging healthy habits, and ensuring regular health check-ups. Simple actions, like accompanying a loved one to a doctor’s appointment or engaging in regular physical activities together, can make a significant difference.

Community initiatives and resources, such as local health workshops, support groups, and fitness programs, are essential in promoting men’s health awareness and providing accessible information and services. Building strong networks of support for older men, whether through social clubs, men’s sheds, or online forums, fosters a sense of belonging and encourages proactive health management. These networks not only combat isolation but also create a culture where discussing and prioritising health becomes the norm.

Trilogy Care supporting International Men's Health Week

This year, Trilogy Care is supporting International Men’s Health Week by participating in the Push-Up Challenge from 5 to 28 June to raise awareness about mental health.

This initiative encourages everyone to participate by choosing any exercise they enjoy, whether it’s push-ups, walking, chair sit-ups, stretching, or any other physical activity. Participants are invited to take a photo or video of themselves engaging in their chosen exercise and share it by sending it to marketing@trilogycare.com.au or posting it in the community group to inspire others.

To add a fun twist, Trilogy Care will be randomly selecting three participants to receive a $100 gift card. By promoting physical activity and mental health awareness, Trilogy Care is fostering a supportive community that motivates and uplifts its members during International Men’s Health Week.

International Men’s Health Week is not just about raising awareness; it’s about taking action. This year, let’s celebrate by encouraging all men, especially older men, to schedule their health checks and take charge of their wellbeing. By focusing on both physical and mental health, and by creating supportive communities, we can ensure a healthier, happier future for all.

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Please contact Trilogy Care on 1300 459 190 for any further information.

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