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Home modifications

Home modifications

When home modifications are required to improve your safety, accessibility, and independence within the home, they may be able to be funded from your Home Care Package.  Home modifications can also assist in creating a home environment that supports reablement and restorative practices.

It is important that modifications are only completed at your primary residence.  If your primary residence is rented or on a strata title you will also need to obtain consent from the property owner or operator, and a copy of this consent must be provided to us when requesting the modifications.

There are two types of Home Modifications:

Simple Home Modifications are primarily non-structural modifications and may include:

Complex Home Modifications are only able to be funded in some clinically justified circumstances and may include:

  • Lowering or removing shower hobs.
  • Changes to layouts or doorways for wheelchair accessibility.
  • Lowering kitchen benchtops.
  • Hand-held showers or sliding shower rails.
  • Replacing shower doors with weighted curtains.
  • Installation of threshold ramps or doorway wedges.

Requesting Home Modifications

There are four steps to follow when requesting home modifications.

Step One - Request an in-home functional assessment:

To request home modifications for funding from your Home Care Package you must first engage an Occupational Therapist (or other allied health professional acting within their scope) to complete an in-home functional assessment and write a comprehensive report containing their observations and recommendations.

Step Two - Source Quotes:

You must obtain a minimum of two formal quotes prior to entering into any agreement or contract relating to the proposed modification. The quotes must directly correspond with the recommendations and specifications provided in the report from your in-home functional assessment.

Both simple and complex home modifications must be completed in line with the 'Building Code of Australia' and the relevant State or Territory building regulations. Builders must be licensed to complete the proposed works and must hold the appropriate level of insurance.

Step Three - Obtain Funding Approval:

Once you have the professional recommendations and corresponding quotes, please contact your Care Partner to initiate the funding assessment. We will send you an online form to complete which will enable us to review your request in line with the intention and scope of the Home Care Package and your individual care plan and goals. We will let you know if there is anything further we need to allow us to consider the funding request.

As soon as we have finalised our assessment, we will communicate the outcome to you in writing.

Step Four - Enter Into A Contract

If the cost of the proposed modifications exceed $3,000 and you have received funding approval from Trilogy Care, the homeowner and the builder must enter an appropriate contract prior to any works commencing. The contract must set out all details of the works (specifications, fittings, fixtures, etc.), price, timings, materials, variations, and dispute mechanisms. We strongly encourage you to obtain professional advice before entering any build contract.

If the amount in the contract differs from the amount quoted to you, a funding re-assessment is required.

Step  Five - Commence Works:

Once Trilogy Care has confirmed that the contract between the homeowner and the builder is an acceptable form, we will confirm that works can commence. Invoices issued under the contract terms, which may include a deposit and progress payments, will be paid as received provided they are in accordance with the signed contract for the works.

In the event of any dispute relating to the delivery of the works the package recipient must contact Trilogy Care as soon as possible.

For more information navigating the Home Care Package program, contact Trilogy Care on 1300 459 190 or email info@trilogycare.com.au.

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Contact Trilogy Care

Please contact Trilogy Care on 1300 459 190 for any further information.

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