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Home Care Package budget

What is your Home Care Package budget?

Every person with a Home Care Package is given a budget based on their care needs and package level. This budget covers the total funds available to help with age-related care and services. In some cases, extra funds may be available depending on your specific circumstances.

When you choose a Home Care Package provider and sign your Home Care Agreement, your budget is allocated to a care plan designed to provide the services you need to live comfortably at home.

Managing your budget

Managing your Home Care Package budget can be straightforward. You’ll need to:

  • Pay invoices
  • Check statements
  • Keep your receipts safe

Your Home Care Package provider will help plan and schedule the care services that fit within your budget. If your needs change, let your provider know so they can adjust your plan and budget accordingly.

Receiving statements

Each month, your Home Care Package provider will send you a statement showing your spending for that month. You can receive these statements by mail, email, or access them online. The statement will show:

  • The amount of home care subsidy for the month
  • Any home care fees paid or outstanding
  • A breakdown of the care services your provider has charged for
  • The total of any unspent funds

What are Home Care Package budget supplements?

You may also qualify for extra funding (known as supplements) for specific care needs. For example, if you have dementia or require enteral feeding, you could receive additional funding to help cover the cost.

The Australian Government provides these supplements for people with specific health needs, such as:

  • Dementia and cognition supplement: For people with moderate to severe cognitive impairment, including dementia
  • Enteral feeding supplement: For those who receive nutrition through a feeding tube
  • Oxygen supplement: For people who need ongoing oxygen therapy
  • Top-up supplement: For those who moved from an EACH-D package to Home Care Package Level 4 with a dementia supplement
  • Veterans’ supplement: For veterans with mental health conditions related to their service
  • Hardship supplement: For people facing financial difficulty in paying aged care fees
  • Viability supplement: For residents in rural and remote areas where care services are more expensive

Trilogy Care’s Home Care Package budget

At Trilogy Care, we believe in empowering you to take control of your budget. By self-managing, you can choose the care workers and services that suit your needs.

As a self-managed provider, we are here to help you get the most value from your Home Care Package. Unlike traditional providers, we offer lower fees, meaning more of your budget goes toward your care.

To learn how Trilogy Care can support you, visit our website or call us at 1300 459 190.

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Contact Trilogy Care

Please contact Trilogy Care on 1300 459 190 for any further information.

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