Your carers must not be family members and have the qualifications and meet the requirements needed to provide aged care services in Australia.

This includes, at minimum:

  • An ABN
  • National Police Check (dated within the last three (3) years) or an NDIS Screening Check (dated within the last five (5) years)
  • Public Liability Insurance

A Certificate III in Aged Care and Disability (or equivalent) and Professional Indemnity Insurance is required if your carer will be providing personal care.

At Trilogy Care, we recommend using carer platform such as Mable, Find a Carer, CareSeekers, and Like Family. All available carers registered on these platforms meet the requirements required to provide recurring aged care services in the home. If a friend or neighbour is able to register as a carer on one of these platforms, then they will be able to provide care.